Love your blog and have been a reader but infrequent commenter for quite awhile. I have a question which I was hoping you could maybe help me with. You have really good taste and seem to have a lot of resources available to you. This isn't baby related however it is gift related so hoping you have some ideas you could throw my way.
One of my VERY good friends just had back surgery. We've done all the usual of getting dinners to her as she is off her feet for the next 2 weeks , literally bed-ridden and then rehab for 2 months.....I want to send her a gift but I don't want to send flowers or food (she already has a ton of that). Can you think of anything cute and maybe preppy that I could send?
Thanks so much and good luck with your pregnancy!!!
This sweet rabbit can be a cold compress or you can microwave him to soothe sore muscles. Buy him at Ann Margaret's Special Tea Shop for $38.95.
Monogrammed Whitney English Note cards, $52.00 for 25 of them!
Whitney English Monogrammed Memo Set from The Paper Cafe for $46.00 with acrylic holder.
Embroidered Pill Box from Lauren Nicole gifts for $14.00.
Monogrammed Water Bottle Koozie from So Pretty for $15.00.
Precious clipboard for writing notes from The Palm Gifts for $28.00.
If she can't get to the shower, she might as well have a good looking ponytail! Monogrammed silver ponytail holder for $44.00 from The Palm Gifts.
To comfort her during her time off of her feet:
Monogrammed Pink and Green blanket for $28.00 from The Palm Gifts
Monogrammed Playing Card Holder from The Palm Gifts for $22.00 with a cute pack of cards.
Anyone else have a question for me? Email me at or leave a comment here and I will help you out or give you an answer to something you have been dying to know about me. =)
Home Style Saturday 433
13 hours ago
Great suggestions!!
Love the recommendations! I checked on the note cards due to the great price. I was thinking they must have been on sale but I think they're actually 25 for $52. Oh well! Keep up the great blog posts!!!
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