After the crane collapsed a few months ago, I told my husband, "we really need to get some renter's insurance, what if one of those hit our building...among other things that could happen in this city." He bought insurance for us that week. The building across the street started going up this fall, but about a month or two ago a very large crane was set up. I would walk down other streets to avoid it, remembering the people that died when the last crane collapsed in March (also on the Upper East). My husband and I had recently even discussed where it would fall if it fell down. It scared me every time I saw it.
My sister-in-law arrived late last night and was asleep in our living room. My husband and I stayed up late, so we were a little behind this morning. I jumped in the shower about 8:00am and he took Daisy out for her morning walk. He came inside screaming "The Crane collapsed, the crane collapsed---look out the window." The crane had collapsed just minutes before he went outside. He does not normally walk Daisy right where it happened, but I walk her there in the afternoons. The Dwayne Reade in the pictures is our Dwayne Reade. We actually looked at the building the crane hit. It is hard to not think of what could have happened. It was also a bad flashback for me of the shooting scene months before. Police, ambulances, firetrucks, helicopters--everywhere.
I snapped these pictures this morning on the way to work. Please say a prayer for the people who died this morning and for the injured. This is ridiculous and our city needs to take action. They should not be able to build these buildings unless safety is stepped up--A LOT! Our lease is up in a few months and we are probably moving (staying on UES) but I think I've had enough scary memories on 1st Avenue for one year.
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