Why is is so hard to find a little boys plain white cardigan sweater? Do any of y'all have any websites or stores you have bought one from? J just grew out of his and needs a new one to go with his dress clothes. We bought the other one in Memphis and they don't have an online option. Help!
I've looked everywhere! I'm also looking for plain white collared shirts (I like the onesie types best) to go under Jon Jons and longalls in the next size up. I normally get the baileys boys or kissy kissy ones, but can't find them anywhere. I need a Southern boys basics store in NYC! Thanks for your help!
Edit: Forgot to mention I only want plain white (a lighter material that is for very dressy outfits.) I don't want any kind of design and I'm not a fan of v-necks. I also need an 18 month sweater. =) Hello....PICKY MAMA RIGHT HERE! =)
Home Style Saturday 440
12 hours ago
not sure if this will help or even what you are looking for but the Gap has long sleeve button down collared shirts onesie bottom.
Good luck! also is you find the white cardigan please post that is a basic that is hard to find.
Old Navy has plain white polo style onesies with their Easter clothes.
Ralph Lauren always has a great selection of sweaters and polos. If you are interested in the brand but don't want to spend so much, you might want to look at your local TJ Maxx or Marshalls. Happy shopping :-)
I "googled" and found these...
best dressed kids : http://www.bestdressedkids.com/scripts/ecatalogisapi.dll/Item?Item=31652&Template=9990000001000999?utm_source=gbase&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=latest%20arrivals%20%3E%20monday
this is my favorite place to get my daughter's clothes. the boutique.it is called bella bliss. there have a website and sell nationwide, but the flagship store is in lexington, kentucky. i looked and found this. i dont know if it's what you are looking for or not. the quality is very good and washes up well.
oh, i just looked and bella bliss also has cable knit sweaters in white. check out the sweater section.
another one of my favorites, also local, but ships nationwide is www.littleenglish.com i found this shirt that may work and you can personalize with monogram!
hey mama! do you know of the zip back sweater- perfect for sweet squirmy boys! like this-fine knit:
super fine cable cadi- really HARD to find non cable fine cardigans-http://www.connieskids.com/382051409.p.
keep google/stalking baby dove, feltman bros or strasburg tho!
bb eton onsie and ita with bliss shirts- they are the best!
connie's is a great lille shop- great for knees socks,willits shoes and english sandals-the sweetest toddler shoe ever! my last boy just turned 5, enjoy baby finery while you can!
I saw a bunch of white sweaters at Marshalls. Sometimes those sweaters can be unisex because they are so plain. You may want to check there.
Have you tried Olive Juice? They usually carry the collared onesies. Here: http://www.olivejuicekids.com/DisplayItem.php?category=&Item1=SL64203&size=118&SESSID=bcf44d8cb1d77c0ab5f046423fd7fe94
Strasburg Children has some lovely, traditional children's clothing. I don't know that they will have the sweater, but I know they will have other things that you'll love. You can order online, but the store in Knoxville will do phone orders and ship the mdse. to you. They have much more in the store than they have online. If you find a white sweater that you love, you could purchase a couple in larger sizes since that item is such a staple!! Good Luck! xoxo
Janie and Jack usually has exactly what you are looking for. Let us know what you find!
have you tried here:
Have you tried Bella bliss? It is out of Lexington Ky. Sweetest stuff ever! Their website doesn't have it all on there. They have great pima cotton onesies....Lilly has them all and we love then! www.bellabliss.com Ask for a catalog.
I'd call the Holiday in Mobile. That's where I always got mine. The girls' sweaters are the ones that aren't the v-neck. (but you can't tell that they are girls) Tell them you want the soft white acrylic baby sweaters. I think it's Julius Berger. Here's their #: 251-342-4911
Here - I found one online:
Helen's Children Shop in Nashville, TN carries a very large assortment of white sweaters (pull over & cardigans) for boys & girls.
We get our plain white sweaters from The Moppet Shoppe in Shreveport. We don't live there, I just call and they send me one. Olive Juice usually has great collared onesies.
I ran across this the other day.
Did you ever find J a white sweater?
We really need to get together!!
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