Random thoughts (aka complaints) about pregnancy-Mrs. Preppy inspired me and Some Like It Southern joined me.
1) Jcrew-why oh why have you not joined the club. Your loyal customers have babies and for 9 whole months we don't know what to do without you. You tease up with 30% off sweater sales but our big ole baby bumps aren't fitting into those pretty new cashmere sweaters. We have to buy Old Navy cashmere. Please create a collection before I have my 2nd child (you have at least 2-3 years.) PS. Old Navy, I don't know how I would live without you. I've worn this sweater so much that I'm going to have to buy a new one. Oh and my hubby isn't laughing at me in my old red Juno style hoodie anymore, because I'm lounging around the house in this fabulous hoodie.
2) Who the hell are these people that say they love being pregnant? Do they not have constant heartburn (God bless Berry flavored tums), reflux in the middle of the night (Zantac 75 I love you), "potty problems" (hello Colace didn't know about you before but I love you now), oh and the queen of all drugs my beloved Zofran. I would not be a functioning human being without you. Don't get my wrong. I am blessed and excited to be a Mom, but feeling like a whale is not something I'm enjoying. And I have 87 days left...not that I'm counting or anything.
3) Pregnancy tights stink. We won't even talk about how difficult it is to put on said tights with a large belly in your way. The little tasks of bending down just aren't working so well these days.
4) I don't think I've ever loved my husband more than when he cut my toenails for me. Granted I'm going to need a pedicure now, but he understands why and will be paying for them as often as I desire. =)
5) Is it possible for a rib to pop out of your stomach?
6) Has anyone found some WARM maternity pants? Lightweight wool is not going to cut it in a few weeks.
7) If you have ever wondered if it is possible to scream, laugh, cry, laugh, fall asleep in a matter of 5 minutes...well it is and I did it last night. God bless A and sweet Daisy.
8) What am I going to do when my child turns 4 months? I have an entire closet of wonderful 0-3 month clothes that friends and family have given me, but I'm in trouble if Baby U is a big boy!
9) It is not cool to tell a pregnant woman she looks big, bigger, huge or is growing. Looking at her and saying "wow" also is not cool. If you are wondering what to say to her, here is a cheat sheet of things that make me smile:
a) You wear pregnancy very well. (A has been instructed to use this with all pregnant woman from here on out and tells me daily now.)
b) You look fabulous (cute, adorable, glowing, fantastic all work too)!
c) You are all baby!
10) Do NOT comment on what I'm eating. It is none of your business and I don't want to hear about it.
Coming to NYC anytime soon? These are the musicals on my "To See" list. I want to see at least 3 before the baby arrives.
Housekeeping Notes:
LAST chance today to sign up to win one of 5 2009 Donovan Designs Calendars from The Preppy Cafe. Click here for the rules and to leave a comment. We will announce the winners tomorrow and don't you worry I have another giveaway right behind this one. You'll all be winners before long thanks to some fabulous reader/vendors out there.
The NYC bloggers and readers are meeting up on November 19th at 7:15pm. Email me at magnoliasmarriageandmanhattan@gmail.com if you would like more information.
Thank you Doodle Bugs for my precious stationery that I ordered and my extra treats for hosting your online show! I will take pics and post soon.
Pineapple Grove gifts I have wonderful pictures of Daisy enjoying her treats to share...but my laptop at home will not turn on because the power cord is broken. I'm hoping to resolve this soon.
Thursday Bow Doc Update: Her suit is green. Kinda a darker green. The bow is electric lime green. Wow!
UPDATE!!! Congrats to Blue-Eyed Bride!!! She is our newest Preppy Preggo Member due on June 12th. I hope I didn't scare you. =)
House Hushing & Why You Need It Now
3 hours ago
OMG You have to go see Hairspray! Its fantastic!!!!
I'll go see any of the others with you!! I haven't seen any of the rest. :)
#9 is one of the worst things someone can do... Someone actually told that I looked like I was wearing a tent the other day. I almost hit her. Come on woman - I paid a lot of $$ at Gap for this tent.
And when people critique what you are eating (or not eating) ugh!!!
Maybe we can meet in the middle of Dallas and NYC and moan together.
Also - did you get the coat link I sent you? I ordered it this morning with 30% off.
My momma always taught me to never buy anything for someone expecting in size 0-3 months especially because my brother came out needing 6-9 month clothes. My lil sis on the other hand was 6 lbs and was in preemie clothes for a couple weeks.
Oh, I completely understand! Number 9 in particular. A guy said to me this week, "WOW, you really are pregnant" I had to hold my tongue so I didn't curse.
I have to say I'm loving this streak of straight-from-the-hip pregnancy posts. I want to know exactly what to expect, Tums and all, so I do appreciate it - although I am so sorry you have to go through all of that to bring us the funny!
Although it has been 17 years since last I gave birth your thoughts and words take me right back to that time.
It truly makes you wonder what in the world runs through some peoples minds doesn't it?
Hey! I'm still dying to see a pregnancy photo. I know you don't want to show your face, but what about the profile with your hair in the way! I'm sure you are too cute. :)
we saw Hairspray and really enjoyed it. I didn't think I would, but it's fun. It's one of the shows with a lottery and it was pretty easy to get tickets. Not sure if you're interested in that option, but it's a great way to see more shows for less money.
I would LOVE to go see Shrek and Hairspray! And the baby will be here before you know it! :)
I was inspired by your post and posted my own "pregnancy complaints."
I agree with you on the J.Crew and the tights. What is J.Crew thinking?! Obviously, they're not. And the tights- uck! Have you seen that they have Spanx for preggos? That has to be 10x worse then tights. Double uck!
I am so glad that there are other preggos that don't love being pregnant, haha! =)
I love the daily bow updates...hilarous! And the preggos with the sexes of the babies!
Pregnancy tights are the devil. I've decided I'm only wearing leggings.
I'll be chiming in with my complaints shortly :-)
You are such a silly girl. Some of us are actually lucky enough to not have all those problems (at least not yet) so I can say I do LOVE being pg. Get back to me in a few months!
I COULD NOT agree more about J.Crew. I mean they came out with the wedding stuff like the day after I got married so I'm sure the maternity stuff will happen the day after I give birth. What jerks!
I can't believe a GROWN woman would wear bows in her hair. Man!
Are you sure she doesn't read your blog?
Also, I got a really great sweater from the gap.
Looks like they have tons of other cute ones too!
P.S. I hope I win a calendar and I also hope J.Crew brings back their calendar from last year!
even though you told me not to read this, i LOVED it! thank you. so far i don't like pregnancy and don't expect this to change. i will love my baby when he/she arrives, but i'm not sugar-coating this process for anyone.
So funny and so true! I lived on zantac and tums and my son was born with a head full of hair!! I wish JCrew would come out with a maternity line. I don't know what they are waiting for!!
I obviously don't know what it is like to be pregnant but ...
re #3: When my mom was pregnant with me she would have to lay on the bed to put tights/stockings on. But then she couldn't get up and she'd have to roll all over the place
re #8: The moms I babysit for all have this complaint. I always buy new moms 6-12 months and tell everyone I know to do the same (plus I even think ahead to get the right season).
Great Post! Very funny...keep your sense of humor. It is a survival skill in everything :)
I was one of those people who loved being pregnant. I'm a huge hypochondriac in my normal non-pregnant life, but when I was pregnant, I was so freaking healthy. Plus, the last time I was pregnant was over seven years ago, so I'd forgotten about the heartburn.
Thank you for the daily bow update. I hope this becomes a regular feature. Just think, no matter how bad you are feeling about your pregnant appearance (even though you probably look fab!) you'll still look better than Dr. Bow!
I seriously love the bow updates. Like I said before, bless her little heart. haha And, thanks for the pregnancy honesty... it's good birth control for this newlywed! :)
Oh my goodness Miss M,M&M, this is one fabulous post!
Your list of random thoughts is hysterical but also very sweet as well, like like #4. Sigh.
And you couldn't be more spot-on with J Crew...or a few other retailers!
Grins and Giggles for your weekend,
I am so glad to see your list. I thought I was the only one who was having those problems.
I have NEVER had heartburn until the 2nd trimester (I'm 19 weeks now). It is the worst thing ever. And the potty problems--won't even go there.
Amen! You nailed the top 10 complaints on the spot. It will be over before you know it!
I do not get why J Crew does not do maternity. Hoepfully by the time I am married and having a baby they will have changed their ways. Also, so sad I am going to miss the NYC happy hour. Have SO much fun!
I'd love to go to a show with you anytime you're free! Goodness knows I have the free time available right now (boo), and Mr. Wonderful is pretty anti seeing anything Disney-esque. He changes the channel every time The Little Mermaid commercial comes on! Let me know if you're ever craving the "lighter' side of Broadway ;)
Oh, can I just say AMEN to all of this?!?!
Also, if one more person touches my stomach, I may go postal.
oh my gosh i just came across your blog and i looooove it!!
Love the pregnancy list and couldn't have agree'd anymore!! :) thank you!!
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