I am completely copying Millitini, but I don't think Bama Belle will mind. I was just reading her post about everything she did and accomplished while living in the city. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but Bama Belle dated A's best friend from high school way back when. That's right, she has know my husband longer than me! =) I had heard Bama Belle's name before, but when I moved to the city I was glad to know there was another Bama girl in town. She was so sweet and invited us to her bday party immediately. I can't remember what we had planned, but we did not get the chance to meet then. A few months later, in a desperate attempt to meet new friends I joined the Junior League. I received one of the very last spots in the fall provisional classes. I was at work and so excited about meeting new people when I got an email from Bama Belle. I had never met her and all her email said, was "Are you joining Jr. League?" I was kinda in shock. Strange stalker ex girlfriend that I've never met...I wrote back to her that in fact I was joining up. She wrote back: "Ha, Ha! I'm your provisional leader." I was so relieved and excited that I would know someone on my first day. I met Bama Belle very soon after in the beautiful league house. She was dressed to the nines and so pretty and sweet. =) We were friends immediately. Very soon after we had the first of many margaritas together and the rest was the beginning of an awesome friendship!
When my Grandmother died two weeks before Baby J was born, I was devastated. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to be pregnant and cry. Two dozen white roses showed up at my apartment door and I just started crying more. My sweet friend thinks of everything. There are very few moments in life when flowers don't make it better for just a few minutes. They always make me smile and, I too, love to send them when a friend needs a little love. Bama Belle was also our very first visitor at the hospital when Baby J was born. It was so nice to see a Bama face there. She brought me red velvet cupcakes. Can a friend get any better?
When Bama Belle called me to tell me her plans to move back "home," to the place we both had spent countless hours talking about going back to...I was both elated and extremely jealous. This move could not have come at a better time for her. When God closes a door he opens a window, and this is Bama Belle's window. I often told her via our daily G-chats that the time she spent worrying about her NYC dating disasters was a waste because I knew her price charming was waiting back in the South. I'm sorry but Bama Belle was just not going to end up with a Yankee Boy. It's just not the way the story was meant to end. =) Bama Belle, he is there and HE'LL find you. Don't go looking just yet, be patient my friend. Sit back and take a nice long swing on the porch. Drive around in your car (just not between 4pm-7pm on 280.) Wander the LARGE isles at the grocery store and Target. Try to enjoy each and every moment of all things Southern that we both missed so much. Please conference call me in when you describe that first bite of your Chick fil A chicken biscuit to Millitini. Go grab a fruit and cheese platter from O'Carrs, a smiley face cookie from Savages, and a bowl of delicous La Paz cheese dip. Oh heavens, I'm homesick already.
At our last meeting together, Baby J pooped on her new jeans and we enjoyed early afternoon vino at a local outdoor cafe. (And spinach dip, of course.) Bama Belle presented some leftover swag from her old job. Thanks friend. (Secret word, we are enjoying LOTS of Captain Crunch!)
L, I miss you already. I can't tell you what a wonderful person you are. Some guy is going to be so lucky to finally sweep you off your pretty little heels. The Bham League is going to be so lucky to have you as member. La Paz's business just increased by at least 2%. (As did Hot and Hot, Bottega and Highlands...) So, I raise a glass of sweet tea to you my friend. I hold an Orange Thing up high. Cheers to your next chapter. I'm glad you'll be at "home" when I'm there for my required holidays with the in laws. I miss you already. Baby J sends kisses to his Aunt L. See you the last weekend of June. Please have my cheese dip waiting.