While we are at it, here are a few more questions for all of you in the know.
Did you use a Tummy Cream?
Any other pregnancy cosmetic suggestions or must haves?
Favorite Maternity High End Store?
Favorite Maternity Bargain Store?
Favorite Maternity Jeans Brand?
What piece of your maternity wardrobe did you wear the most?
Wish Someone Would Have Told Me When I was Pregnant...?
Speaking of pregnancy...one of my best friends, K, who I mentioned in the previous post was told yesterday she has preeclampsia. She has been put on bed rest for the next few weeks. Her hospital in Baton Rouge is running on generators still and the only AC they have is in the labor and delivery room. She is staying at her parents home due to the damage to their home. Please take a moment to say a prayer for K that baby Harper will stay put and she will start to improve this weekend. Also say a prayer that they are able to get things back to normal in Baton Rouge before Harper's arrival. I know K appreciates your prayers!! It is killing me that I'm so far away and I can't do anything to help K. She is a strong girl and I know she will be fine and do great, but I wish I could bring her some ice cream and sit and chat with her to help keep her mind off things. Let me know if you have any good suggestions on what I can do to help her!
I'm going to dinner tonight with my friend E who is having the twins. I can't wait to celebrate her miracles with some lemonade!
I hope everyone in the path of Hanna is safe this weekend! Have a great one!
Good questions! Can't wait to see all the answers! I joined the Preppy Preggo Club by making my announcement this week :-).
Congrats Preppy Money Penny!!! What's your due date? I'll add you to the list. Also, send me a invite to your blog! I would love to read. =)
1. I had a snoogle and wore that thing out
2. I used massage oil on my tummy because my skin itched. No stretch marks -- but I think that was good luck with genes
3.Any other pregnancy cosmetic suggestions or must haves? Get as many pedicures as you can!
4. High end: Babystyle, japanese weekend
5: Bargain:Old Navy or Target
6. N/A.
7. Wrap dresses from babystyle and target and pants from babystyle, tanks and tees from Gap maternity
Wish Someone Would Have Told Me When I was Pregnant...? I was sick of people giving me advice when I was pregnant. But I would have bought more nursing nightgowns and nursing tanktops -- Glamourmom extralong! I lived in those things once the baby came!
hope this helps!
I had a snoogle too. I bought just about every maternity pillow they had and at the end of your pregnancy nothing really helps.
I loved Pea in the Pod and seven jeans. I did buy a lot of plain longsleeve tees from Liz Lange for Target. Old Navy was on of my favorite bargain places for maternity clothes. I also used Belli oil and I never had stretch marks, but I think its all genetics. One thing I wish someone had told me about was being prepared for gigantic boobs after delivering my son. I did breastfeed and I was not prepared with nursing bras. You have to sleep in them too. Best buy was "Bravado" brand nursing bras. They were most comfortable and they came in many colors and options. Good Luck!
First of all - thinking of your friend right now especially since she is also having a harper! :-)
I have been lucky because my best friend just gave me a bunch of cute maternity clothes she was done with. My citizens of humanity jeans I got off e-bay have been my fav purchase - I wear them CONSTANTLY. Other than that - I'm still wearing all my normal dresses that had empire waists.
Since I'm only a little more than half way through my pregnancy, I'm certainly not a expert but this is based on my experience thus far.
1. I don't have a special pregnancy pillow, but when I was having bad sciatica pain at the beginning of the 2nd tri, I got just a regular body pillow and that helped a lot. It's huge and ugly but it helped.
2. Tummy Cream... literally starting the day after I got the positive, I started using Palmer's Stretch Mark Massage Cream. You can buy it at any drugsture. So far so good... but I really think your genetics will determine if you get them or not. But I haven't had any skin itching yet so maybe that's due to the Palmers.
3. High End Maternity... I'm lucky because I have 2 Due Maternity boutiques close by. They do have an online store too so I'd check that out. We also have Pea in the Pod but they're stuff can be pricey but they have great sales. I also like the maternity section online at Nordstrom. My favorite maternity brands thus far are Olian and Japanese Weekend. You can find them both at online boutiques and ebay.
2. Lower End. Ebay! I've bought several great designer pieces from here for cheap... the only down side is you can't return. I also like Ann Taylor Loft because their stuff is good quality and there's always a sale or code. I think Target and Old Navy run HUGE and can be hit or miss.
3. I have 2 pair of Gap maternity jeans and like them a lot. They do a back panel and demi panel tummy that I prefer to the mid or full panel. I've yet to go designer for maternity jeans yet, but I'll probably get a pair of Joes since i know they work well on me.
I am keeping your friend in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry I am unable to offer any maternity advice, perhaps in a few years!
My favorite cream was L'occitane Shea butter. Super thick, but really helps with the crazy itching...very moisturizing!
My favorite maternity clothing was anything from Babystyle. I second ebay on the clothing for you..great bargains!
Ditto on the pedicures. You have to put your feet in stirrups too many times to have ugly feet!
I have been following your blog for some time now. Congrats on your pregnancy. I have two girls myself. Advice...let's see...
1. Pillows? Snoogles work good but in the end I slept in the recliner.HA!
2. Lotions/creams? I used shea butter creams because they are thicker and I had no marks. Start early and do it daily. Hint..use it on your boobs and thighs too. Those places stretch a lot too. HA!
3. Cosmetics?Pedicures is a must have. Pamper yourself as much as possible because once the baby gets here it may be awhile before you can indulge again.
4.High End? Babystyle, Pea in the Pod, MiMi's
5.Bargin? Motherhood, Old Navy, Target
6.Jeans? Whatever fit and looked good.
7.Anything comfortable. With my second I got a maternity "workout" suit type thing from Mimi's and it was super comfortable and looked cute.
8. Wish someone would have told me? With my first, SO MANY THINGS. Probably the information about your boobs getting HUGE, have a lot of comfortable nursing bras. The sport bra/nurser is great for night. Nursing nightgowns are great too.
I had a friend that just had a baby and she got (if you plan on breastfeeding and using a pump) a top of the line pump for about $100 less than you can buy it in any store. It was at lactationcare.com
They have all kinds of things on there for new nursing moms.
Good luck.
The maternity world has really boomed since my babies...I loved Mimi Maternity.
As far as belly cream...I kept cocoa butter in every bathroom and applied just about everytime I was in the loo! I am stretch martch free after 3 babies in four years!
I am praying for your friend K. I know it is frustrating to feel like there isn't much you can do. I hope they are able to get a lot done before the baby comes.
I have to agree about pedicures. Get them often! Especially once your tummy gets to big to bend over comfortably, and do your own nails!!
Best Jeans: Old Navy
Best Bargains: Old Navy and Target
Best upscale: Pickles and Ice Cream
Best Advice: Every baby is different and you have to find what works best for you and your baby. Take all the suggestions and advice and fill them away. Its great to have lots of ideas to try if you have a fussy sleeper, eater, baby with colic. But remember don't be pressured into trying anything you are not comfortable with
Tummy Cream - I used Bath and Body Works Body Butter...but I really think I just got lucky.
Must Haves - I definitely agree with the pedicures. Your feet take a lot of abuse!
Maternity High End - A Pea in the Pod.
Maternity Bargain - It would have to be a tie between Target and Motherhood Maternity. I got some really cute tops at Motherhood.
Maternity Jeans - I had 2 pair of Old Navy that were cute...but I had a hard time finding any that didn't hurt my lower tummy.
Wear the Most - I have to admit I wore leggings or little black pants 90% of the time!
Wish someone would have told me...to take more pictures of myself pregnant. I didn't want to see myself all big but now I wish I had more to remember that time by. And definitely to buy more nursing bras. :)
Hope this helps!!
Best high end - Isabella Oliver (isabellaoliver.com) - beautiful maternity clothes.
Best bargain - Gap - the bonus was that they have (or at least had?) free returns on all maternity clothes.
Favorite high end: Pickles and Ice Cream
Low end: Gap, Target, Babystyle
Buy the Citizen's Maternity Jeans! Also, shoe wise towards the end of my pregnancy I wore Rainbow's just for the comfort. Also, for work I bought lots of Born shoes that were semi-dressy. I wish I would have purchased cute pajamas for my hospital stay. All the hospital pics have that ugly hospital gown in them. However, Juicy suits were my choice once I got home. You can wear a nursing tank under the jacket and it is perfect!
I have that exact same boppy pillow and love it. It was a little difficult at first to figure it out but I love it because it really doesn't take up a lot of space in bed like the full body pillows do. I have loved my Joe's Jeans and although they were a little expensive I wear them all the time!
Totally out of order!
*Stretch mark cream: Mustela (http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2791480?cm_cat=datafeed&cm_pla=skin%2Fbody_treatment:moisturizer&cm_ite=mustela(r)_stretch_marks_double_action:11165U&cm_ven=Froogle&mr:trackingCode=4DC08723-C07D-DD11-98CA-001422107090&mr:referralID=NA) I'm 8 and a half months now and not one yet! Knock on wood!
*Pea is a Pod stores are great for high end maternity including Lily Pulitzer and seven jeans, etc.
*Low end maternity clothes, Old Navy and motherhood maternity.
*Pregnancy jeans: Paige Premium demin and sevens.
*I can't live without dresses for work. They are super comfy and after all day in pants it gets really uncomfortable.
*Pregnancy pillow: I didn't use one for a long time but now I can't live without my snoogle.
*Treat yourself to prenatal massages, they are offered at all nice spas. This is a must, you deserve it!
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers! :)
Okay I used Mustela every day on my tummy and still ended up with strach marks on my hip area. I have no idea if it works or not! I am a fan of any and all preggy pillows...whatever works! I got some blothes at Baby style, some at Target, some at MIM maternity and some at pea in the pod.
Okay, given that pregnancy beauty is one of my passions, I have to comment!
I didn't have a pregnancy pillow, but I did line up tons of pillows to prop myself up with, especially in the third trimester.
But a breastfeeding pillow saved the day when it came to nursing! The one I loved: My Breast Friend. It's firmer than some of the other ones and adjusts, too.
Tummy cream--prevent pregnancy stretch marks with oils and creams that have safe ingredients. We have two amazing creams with pregnancy-safe ingredients at Maternitique: Substance Belly Jelly (which smells absolutely heavenly and moisturizes like nothing else I've ever tried; great for the breasts; yes, they get stretch marks, too!) and Oh Baby! Belly Butter. Elasticity Belly Oil is one of our best-sellers, too, because it includes ingredients that have actually been shown to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
For a pregnancy cosmetics tip: prevent chloasma, or melasma (the skin pigmentation on your face that can happen), by using a barrier sunscreen like ours and/or mineral makeup, which has zinc oxide in it that acts as a barrier, too.
I hated pregnancy jeans, but then, I have a hard time finding great jeans anyway because I'm so tall.
What I wore most, especially in the fall which was my third trimester, was leggings layered with tunic tops, a-line or empire dresses. Added a denim jacket and cute scarves when it got cooler.
And what I wish someone would have told me when I was pregnant: don't be afraid of birth. I spent the whole 9 months afraid of going into labor. When it finally happened, it turned out to be amazing.
I HAD NO STRETCH MARKS AND I USED 'burts bees belly butter' every day of my pregnancy!! def invest in some- you can get it at whole foods (union square/tribeca)
as for the pillow- i bought something a little cheaper, just a regular body pillow- it worked the same and was long enough for me to wrap my body around and feel like i was sleeping on my belly when i was really just on my side...kind of like a 'snoogle' but that is really expensive too.
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