My great friend Bama Belle asked me a question yesterday. Her sister recently had a baby boy--Baby J can't wait to meet Baby Qn for a play date in the park this spring! Her sister and I both went to the same OBGYN group of 3 doctors on the UES. If you live in NYC and need an OBGYN, email me and I'll give you their names. I can not recommend them enough!
Anyways, Bama Belle asked me what kind of gift I was planning on giving my doc for delivering Baby J. My six week postpartum appointment is next week so I had actually been thinking about this for some time. I would love some suggestions from Moms/Moms-to-be out there? Did you give a gift? What did you give? Did you give something just to your doc or something that could be shared with the entire practice (nurses and other docs)? Can't wait to hear your suggestions!!
Have a fabulous Saturday!
12 hours ago
I would say that most OBs don't expect a gift or really any kind of thank you for the work they do. I'm sure a heartfelt thank you note would be appreciated, and, if you do want to give a gift, something edible for the office is nice.
Wow, I never thought of giving a gift. The same Dr that delivered my Diva will be delivering my new little one in July and that would be nice to give her a little something. I think the trend at this OB office is to give a baby announcement so they can hang them up. I did this, but somehow it was placed over another Dr.s door.
I used to work for a doctor's office and I'd say a good percentage of our patients did not give gifts. And those who was usually a card and a picture of the baby.
I honestly would not go out of your way for a big gift. You do realize that you and/or your insurance company is going to give them the gift of money, right? LOL :-)
I honestly suggest just a card and picture. I promise your doctor does not need (or to be honest WANT) a gift.
Just my humble opinion though!
If you really want to take something, take cookies for the office or something like that. Just a suggestion :-)
I'm really curious about this. One of my girlfriends gave her obgyn a weekend ski trip! I thought it was a bit much and am wondering what to expect when my time comes..
Wow, I never even thought of a gift, I was just thinking of a birth announcement.
It will be interesting to see what people say to give.
I never thought of a gift either. Very nice gesture though! I would do something edible though like cookies for the office
I loved my doctor and thought so much of her and she was wonderful.. so I sent her a bouqet of flowers with a little note to the office..I am sure they don't expect anything but I know when I went to my 6 week post partum check she was so thankful for them!
just dropping in to say hello! super cute blog!
as for the gift, I'd say maybe bring some pastries from a nice shop for the office.
In my field of practice, I can't accept gifts from patients. I don't know how it works in your state. I would be very careful about what you give. It is actually a breech of ethics in some fields to accept gifts. I am honestly floored that a doctor would accept a ski trip from a patient. That to me is not ethical or responsible on the doctor's behalf. I would think that a physician would appreciate a heartfelt thanks and a baby picture. That should be more than enough.
I, too, am in a field where receiving gifts from patients is not allowed. It makes for a very awkward situation when you have to explain to the patient that you appreciate their gesture, but would be breaking state ethical codes by accepting. I would just stick to sending a cute announcement!
I brought over a platter of cookies for all the nurses and docs. They loved it!
For my 1st child, I made a mug on kodak gallery with a picture of my baby and a cute little thank you note. My OB LOVED it!
I'm pregnant and have often seen flowers and gift baskets in my doctor's office. I also recently asked a friend about this and she brought an orchid plant when her baby girl was born. I plan to do something similar. Just a little something (nothing major) to show my appreciation for the doctor that has spent nine months answering all of my crazy questions!
Something for the office to share is always a hit. Zingermans mail order deli out of Ann Arbor Michigan has great things that we sent to my Ob's office after the birth of each of my kids. Because I also know my dr. socially I gave him a bottle of his favorite bourbon:)
I'm taking a big batch of Valentine sugar cookies to my OB's office when I go for my 6 week visit in a few weeks. Baby was delivered on Valentine's Day, and the staff has seen me through the ups and downs of a high risk pregnancy.
I also delivered our baby girl while listening to James Taylor's "One Man Band" CD. My midwife commented how much she liked it, so I think I'll give her a copy of that as well.
My mom always bakes a couple of pies for the nurses. They love it!
we sent cookies to the office the day of my 6 week appointment and I sent my OB flowers on Mini K's first birthday
We just have a small gathering in our house in honor of the new member of the family and also a thanksgiving for the doctors and staff who took care of us during the pregnancy period until the delivery. I think that gestures is well enough to tell them how we appreciate and thankful for their job well done.
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