Baby J is sleeping and I spent the most wonderful evening reading
Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia, A Life in Poems from cover to cover. It's a short read, 0nly 87 pages long, but it is full of life. The hum of the city was in my immediate background, but author Patricia Neely-Dorsey transported me back home to the South for just a bit. I could almost hear the crickets and feel the balmy Southern heat as I read poem after poem about my beloved South. Thanks to the internet and a shared love for Magnolias, Patricia found my blog and asked me to check out her first book, a book of poems about her life in the South (Mississippi in particular).
Her poem, "The Rules", is a poem about the rules that every Southern child is taught. I look forward to teaching Baby J his Southern manners. Yes Ma'am, no Ma'am. No thank you, Sir and always say good morning, just to name a few.
There were also a lot of Patricia's poems that shared her stories of a childhood in the country. I loved "Country Doctor," written about her experiences going on house calls with her Dad who sometimes would only be paid with a slab of bacon.
"Boston/Language Barrier," made me laugh out loud as she wrote about her experience going to college and finding that everyone used "different" words. And, "Too Cold For Comfort" spoke straight to my heart being a Southern transplant in a chilly Northern city. I loved all of her poems about the country and country living. Every mention of biscuits made my mouth water as I contemplated hopping on the 6 train to Harlem to search out the nearest soul food restaurant.
There are also more serious poems, such as "Right to Vote," which is about the stories her parents told her about obtaining their right to vote. And, if you are from Mississippi, there is a whole selection of poems just for you! As a Southern girl born and bred, this book of poems was a delightful read. It provided glimpses of the South I know and love and windows into a part of the South I've only heard about.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Patricia's book of poems and I suggest you pick it up. It's available at Amazon for $15.00.
In honor of my birthday month, Patricia so graciously offered to give one copy of her book of poems to a Magnolias, Marriage and Manhattan reader. She even signed it for you!
1) All you have to do is leave a one word comment here with something that you love about the South. FOR ADDITIONAL ENTRIES (each entry should be a separate comment on this post):
1) Post this contest on your blog and leave a comment letting me know you did so
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For a teaser, here is one of my very favorite poems:
If you want a glimpse of Southern life,
Come close and walk with me;
I'll tell you all the simple things,
That you are sure to see.
You'll see mockingbirds and bumblebees,
Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees,
Caterpillars on the step,
Wooden porches cleanly swept;
Watermelons on the vine,
Strong majestic Georgia pines;
Rocking chairs and front yard swings,
Junebugs flying on a string;
Turnip greens and hot cornbread,
Coleslaw and barbecue;
Fried okra, fried corn, fried green tomatoes,
Fried pies and pickles too.
There's ice cold tea that's syrupy sweet,
And cool, green grass beneath your feet;
Catfish nipping in the lake,
And fresh young boys on the make.
You'll see all these things
And much, much more,
In a way of life that I adore.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey
from Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life In Poems